In February 1998, Madeline Weber, a sweet 9 month old baby girl was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. In June, her mother and maternal and paternal grandmothers attended the National Angelman Foundation Conference in Canada. Their desire was to learn what they could of this “little known” and “rare” condition. (At that time there were only 500 known cases in the USA and Canada) At the conference, even though they were learning about the syndrome, its stages, limitations, treatment options, and the research being done, the biggest impact was meeting so many angels from infants to late teens all in one place.
While in Canada, Madeline's mother and grandmothers met and enjoyed the refreshing words of Harriet Angelman, wife of Dr. Harry Angelman, who had just passed away prior to the conference. Dr. Angelman was the English physician to first recognize and describe the characteristics of what he called “Happy Puppet Syndrome” that later became known as Angelman Syndrome (AS). They were so inspired with Dr. & Mrs. Angelman’s love and concern for these special children that they knew “something” needed to be done in the Northeast Ohio area that would inform, educate and help in the lives of Angel families.
As Maddie’s family lived and worked through the hardships yet blessings of AS, the need and desire to assist and support other Angels and their families was ever present in their hearts and minds. Thus, the birth of the Love an Angel Foundation and the dream of Halo Farm.
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